Updated June 2017
Professional Communication Guide
When connecting with employers it is important to converse in a professional manner. This guide will provide
some tips on the following professional modes of communication:
Cover Letter
Thank you Note
Voicemail & Phone
Did You Know? Employers view written correspondence as evidence of your communication skills one of
the most important abilities that recruiters seek in entry-level professionals.
A cover letter may also be referred to as a letter of interest or application letter. It accompanies your resume.
All letters should be prepared individually and tailored to that particular company.
Goal: Introduce you to an employer, highlight key experiences and qualifications you possess, and convey
enthusiasm for that particular position and employer.
Limit length to one page
Use standard business letter formatting with your return address (sender’s address), the date, and the
employer’s name, title and address (recipient’s information)
Use block style (e.g., no paragraph indents and insert a blank space between paragraphs)
Use common font styles such as Times New Roman, Garamond, Cambria, Arial. Avoid intricate fonts or
those with narrow or wide spacing (use same font as resume).
Greeting: If possible, address the letter to a specific person in the organization using “Dr., Ms., or Mr.”
If you do not have a name, “Dear Hiring Representative” might sound a bit more personalized than “To
Whom it May Concern”, then follow by a colon “:”.
Signature: When concluding the letter, close with a straightforward, “Sincerely.” For printed
documents, include a handwritten signature. If including the letter in the body of an email or sending
via email. Leave some spaces and then simply type in your name.
Enclosure: You can also add a line referencing your other materials depending on what the job
description requires for the application
How to Send
Emailing Your Document:
o Option 1 (preferred): Write a brief email indicating what you are applying for and then attach
the cover letter and resume as separate documents. Consider saving as a .pdf to ensure
formatting and translation from computers.
o Option 2: Write the cover letter in the body of an email and attach a resume
Printing Your Document:
o Print on resume paper that is white or ivory.
Updated June 2017
Did You Know?
Contrary to popular opinion, cover letters ARE read and ARE important. If an employer does not require but
gives you the option of submitting a cover letter, ALWAYS submit a cover letter.
How to Handle Requests for Salary History
When an employer requests a salary history (what you've earned in the past) or salary requirements (what you
hope to earn in this job), many job seekers find themselves at a loss. You don't want to price yourself out of a
job, but you don't want the employer to offer less than the going rate for the position. So what's the right
Don't include salary history on your resume. Handle the request at the end of your cover letter.
Respond to the salary history question positively without giving a specific amount. (Example: "I'm
earning in the mid-40s.")
Research the market value for the position and for someone with your skills and background; give at
least a $3,000-$5,000 range when providing salary requirements.
You may also respond to the salary requirement question by writing “salary is negotiable" or “I would
be delighted to discuss specific salary details commensurate with my experience as part of the
interview process.”
Be prepared to respond to this question in an interview. Carry a list of your positions in reverse
chronological order, including the name of the company, your title, a synopsis of your duties, and,
lastly, a general compensation amount (e.g. mid-40s).
Don't lie about your salary history. Employers may verify salary history through reference checks.
Salary requests are difficult for all job searchers to handle, not just new college grads. The key is to
shift the focus, politely but firmly, from what you made in the past to competitive compensation for the
position you want.
Some of this information is courtesy of the National Association of Colleges and Employers.
Updated June 2017
After an interview for a position or any professional exchange, such as a meeting at a Career Fair,
conversations at a campus event, or informational interview, it is crucial to follow-up with those individuals to
demonstration your genuine interest and motivation.
Goal: Express appreciation, reiterate interest, and strengthen your position as an applicant by drawing
connections to your skill set. Here are some tips for developing this message:
Format/How to Send
o Set a goal of thanking anyone who has helped you during your career exploration and/or job
search process
o Make sure to send it 24-48 hours after your interaction with the recipient
o Provide similar Greeting and Signature like you would in your cover letter
o Send to everyone who interviewed you or ask the host to relay your appreciation to the entire
Handwriting Your Note (note: many employers prefer a handwritten note due to the personalized
nature of the interaction):
o Use simple, professional stationary with your name and/or “thank you” printed on it
o Write legibly and sign your name in black or blue ink
o Add correct postage and properly address your envelope
Emailing Your Note:
o Include in the body of the email
o Write in a commonly utilized black font; avoid any distracting colors
o Send your communication using a professional email address
o Include suggested subject line, “’Name of Position’ – Follow-Up”
Mr./Ms./Dr. _______________:
Express your thanks for their time during the interview or meeting. Reemphasize one of your strongest
qualities and details from your conversation. Draw connections between the position and your skills and
experiences (job opening) or what you learned from speaking to them about their field/organization
(informational interviewing). Explain why their organization is a good fit for you.
Reiterate your interest in the position. Provide additional contact information (phone and/or email). Tell the
recipient that you are looking forward to hearing from them.
Type your name
Did You Know? This written communication is an important piece of the process that is all too often forgotten.
Saying “thanks” will help you stand out from the crowd and continue a positive rapport.
Updated June 2017
With the rise of electronic communication, many conversations are conducted through this medium (e.g., text,
tweets, etc.). Be conscious of your tone and format, which should still be formal and professional.
Goal: Send an email for networking purposes, informational interviewing opportunities, or to reach out to an
organization for potential full-time, part-time, or internship openings. Here are some suggestions for email:
Send your communication using a professional email address
Provide similar Greeting and Signature like you would in your cover letter
Write in a commonly utilized black font; avoid any distracting colors
Should be brief and to the point, but do not use any slang or shorthand language that you would use in
text messages; be conscious of sending emails from your cell phone the various default signatures
(e.g., sent from my iPhone).
Attach your resume to provide a detailed account of your credentials (optional)
From: chester.w.stu[email protected]
To: (Professional’s email)
Subject: Internship Opportunity at ABC Company
Dear Mr./Ms./Dr. _______________:
Introduce yourself by including your name and current role your major and year at West Chester University.
Mention the purpose of your communication and the position about which you are corresponding. Provide
specific information to display your interest in their organization. Articulate reasons as to why you may be a
good fit by referencing some prior or current experiences.
If appropriate, reference any attachments. Express any additional contact information. Tell the reader you
are looking forward to hearing from them.
Type your name
Did Know You? You should keep any copies of any paper and electronic correspondence. Create a folder in
your email to save the correspondence or create a “job search notebook” in Microsoft Word/Excel. Utilize a
hard copy folder or binder to track your materials.
Updated June 2017
With high volumes of applications and as another contact point, the phone is a frequently used tool to convey
Goal: Leave contact information to elicit further communication or converse with professionals for openings
and/or networking purposes. Here are some considerations for phone communication:
Edit your cell phone voicemail
o Use your given name or the name that you commonly refer to yourself as (if you do not go by
your full first name)
Conduct any conversations in a quiet space preferably at a desk, with a copy of your resume and a
‘cheat sheet’ of what you definitely want to highlight in the conversation
Have a pen and paper handy for any short notes or follow up instructions
Turn off call-waiting and make sure your phone is charged
Turn off any potential noise-makersTV, radio, alarm clocks; you should be the only one in the room
Speak slowly and clearly; smilesmiling will change the tone of your voice
Convey more enthusiasm and energy through your voiceeven though the other individual cannot see
your body language
It is okay to be quiet after your comment to send a non-verbal signal that you’ve completed your
Pay attention to your posture in the chair and how you dress; it can add to the overall effect of your
phone presentation
Avoid chewing gum, getting a drink or use slang
For more tips, review the Interviewing Guide on the career center website.
Cell phone custom message: “Hello, you’ve reached the cell phone of Chester Student. Please leave a
message and I’ll return your call as soon as I can. Thank you.”
*This recording is of your own voice saying your name. Do not default to the automatic message
which reads the digits of your cell phone number.
Did You Know? The most likely first step of a hiring process is a phone screen from the employers to the
applicant. If a number you don’t recognize comes through on your cell phone, don’t answer it right away! Wait
to listen to the message, because you already created a professional voicemail to field these calls. Avoid
answering the phone in a loud space or in an unprepared manner.
Cell phone custom message: “Hello, you’ve reached the cell phone of Chester Student. Please leave
a message and I’ll return your call as soon as I can. Thank you.”
Cell phone automated message: “You’ve reached the voicemail of (Chester Student*) Please leave a
message after the tone.”
*This recording is of your own voice saying your name. Do not default to the automatic
message which reads the digits of your cell phone number.
Updated June 2017
How to Get Help with Your Cover Letter & Other Correspondence
Here are the ways you can get feedback on your cover letter and other job search correspondence (1-2
business day turnaround) in order to strengthen the presentation of your skills and accomplishments:
1. One-on-One Appointments and Drop-in Hours
If you want in-person assistance, you may utilize our regular drop-in hours during the academic year (Monday
through Friday, 1:00 to 3:00 pm) or call the office at 610-436-2501 to schedule a 30-minute appointment
during our business hours (Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm during the academic year, 8:00am to
4:00pm in the summer).
We strongly prefer that you bring a printed draft of a cover letter with you to in-person meetings so we can
provide you with the most useful feedback. It doesn’t have to be good that is why we are here to help you
but you will benefit more from the appointment if you have a rough draft already started.
2. Email Service
You may email your cover letter or other job search correspondence to mailto:c[email protected] for feedback
(again, you will receive an e-mail within two business days).
3. Drop-Off Service
You may bring a printed copy of your cover letter, thank-you note, or resume to the career center in 225
Lawrence and leave it with a staff member at the main welcome desk. You may pick up your documents with
written feedback after two business days.
Did You Know?
A great next step is to find a job that interests you and draft your correspondence for the position, then make
an appointment in the Career Development Center for feedback and assistance. If you are not really sure
where to begin, then make an appointment anyway and come see us to help get you started!
Updated June 2017
345 Main Street
West Chester, PA 19380
September 22, 2017
Ms. Jane Smith
Ajax Widgets Company
1223 Foster Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Dear Ms. Smith:
I am applying for the web developer position that was advertised via the West Chester University Career
Development Center this week. I will graduate in May 2015 with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.
The position is a strong fit with my education, experience, and career interests and I am very enthusiastic
about applying for consideration.
Your position requires skills in various types of programming and software used in web development. My
academic program emphasizes C, C++, .NET, PHP, Visual Basic, Assembler, Java, and MSSQL. In addition I
have extensive experience using the Adobe Creative Suite and several photo editing packages. My internship
experience as a department computer consultant gave me exposure to PC and Mac OS platforms. I gained
knowledge of enterprise systems, content management systems, and e-commerce operations.
My background and career goals seem to match your job requirements well. I am confident that I will perform
the job effectively. Furthermore, I am genuinely interested in the position because it utilizes my skills and
areas of expertise directly; additionally, through the rotational training and management track you provide, I
will develop new skills and be on a good path for advancement within Ajax Widgets.
I welcome the opportunity to interview for this position to further discuss my qualifications and interest in
joining your organization. Should you need additional information, please contact me at (610) 345-6789 or
RC811223@wcupa.edu. Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you.
Rammy W. Chester
Updated June 2017
345 Main Street
West Chester, PA 19380
October 24, 2017
Ms. Jane Smith
Ajax Widgets Company
1223 Foster Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Dear Ms. Smith:
I want to thank you very much for interviewing me yesterday for the Sales Associate position with Ajax
Widgets. I enjoyed meeting you and learning more about your company’s products, services, and
position in the Delaware Valley market. I also greatly valued meeting members of the current sales
My enthusiasm for the position and my interest in working for Ajax Widgets were strengthened as a
result of the interview. I think my education and internship experiences fit well with the job
requirements, and I am confident that I could make a significant contribution to the organization over
I want to reiterate my strong interest in the position and working with you and your team. You
provide the kind of growth and advancement opportunity I seek; I was impressed with the amount
and quality of professional mentoring and training available.
Please feel free to contact me at (610) 345-6789 or at [email protected] if I can provide you
with any additional information. Thank you for the interview and your consideration.
Rammy W. Chester
This is one of the most important, yet least used, tools in a job search. A thank-you note is used to
express appreciation, reinforce motivation, and/or strengthen your candidacy. When following up on
employment interviews, thank-you letters (or emails) should be sent within 24 hours to everyone
who interviewed you. If it is not possible or appropriate to send a thank-you to everyone, then send
one to your host or the highest ranking manager you met with a request to extend your appreciation
to the entire group.
Adapted with the permission of National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), copyright holder.
Updated June 2017
345 Main Street
West Chester, PA 19380
April 21, 2017
Ms. Jane Smith
Ajax Widgets Company
1223 Foster Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Dear Ms. Smith:
I am writing to confirm my acceptance of your employment offer on April 18, for the Social Media
Coordinator position with a starting salary of $39,000. I am delighted to be joining the
Communications and Public Relations team at Ajax Widgets in Philadelphia. The position is exactly
what I hoped to do to begin my career after graduating from West Chester University. I am confident
that I can make a significant contribution to the company and I am grateful for the opportunity.
As we discussed, I will report to work at 8:00 a.m. on June 15, and I will have completed the medical
examination and drug testing by the start date. In addition, I shall complete all of the employment,
benefits, and insurance forms you send me for the new employee orientation.
I look forward to working with you and your team. I appreciate your confidence in me and I am happy
to be joining your staff.
Rammy W. Chester
Updated June 2017
345 Main Street
West Chester, PA 19380
May 22, 2017
Mr. Robert Smith
Ajax Therapy Associates
1223 Foster Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Dear Mr. Smith:
I am writing to inform you that I am withdrawing my application for the physical therapist position
with Ajax Therapy Associates. As I indicated in my interview with you, I have been exploring several
employment possibilities. This week I was offered a position with a local hospital and, after careful
consideration, I decided to accept it. The position provides a very good match for my interests at this
point in my career.
I want to thank you for interviewing and considering me for your position. I enjoyed meeting you and
learning more about your organization. I wish you and your staff well.
Rammy W. Chester
Updated June 2017
345 Main Street
West Chester, PA 19380
April 24, 2017
Mr. John Smith
Ajax Widgets Company
1223 Foster Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Dear Mr. Smith:
Thank you very much for offering me the position of chemical technician with Ajax Widgets Company.
I appreciate your discussing the details of the position with me and giving me the time to consider
your offer.
Ajax Widgets is a strong organization and there are many aspects of the position that are very
appealing to me. I believe, however, it is in our mutual best interests that I decline your offer. As we
discussed, my training and interests in chemistry are not as represented within this role. This has
been a challenging decision for me, but I believe it is the appropriate one for my career at this time.
I want to thank you for the consideration and courtesy extended to me. It was a pleasure meeting you
and your team.
Rammy W. Chester
As a job candidate, you may decide to decline employment offers that do not fit your career
objectives and interests. Rejecting an employment offer should be done thoughtfully. Indicate that
you have carefully considered the offer and have decided not to accept it. Also, be sure to thank the
employer for the offer and consideration of you as a candidate. As a professional courtesy, you
should telephone the contact person to decline the offer verbally, offering a consistent brief
explanation as to why; you should then immediately follow up with the letter.
Adapted with the permission of National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), copyright holder.