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Accounting for
Merchandising Businesses
Chapter 6 introduces the merchandising form of business. It opens by contrasting the income statements
of service and merchandising businesses. The majority of the chapter is focused on the presentation of
inventory, purchase of inventory, and sale of inventory including returns, discounting, and freight
The 27th edition of Accounting focuses on the perpetual inventory method, since computerized
accounting and inventory systems have made it feasible for even small merchandisers to track each
purchase and sale of inventory. The text illustrates how to record transactions related to the purchase and
sale of merchandise under the perpetual inventory system. It also presents a chart of accounts and an
overview of the accounting cycle for a merchandiser using a perpetual inventory system. The chapter then
presents the financial statements for a merchandising business and summarizes the essential differences
between the periodic and perpetual inventory systems.
A summary of the closing process as it differs in a merchandising environment is provided to assist
students in identifying additional income statement accounts to include in the closing process.
A presentation of the asset turnover that illustrates how effectively a business is using its assets to
generate sales follows and explains its relevance to a company from year to year or as a comparison to its
industry average.
The appendix explains and illustrates the use of the periodic inventory system. It also contains a table that
displays how the same business transaction would be journalized differently between perpetual and
periodic inventory systems.
6-2 Chapter 6 Accounting for Merchandising Businesses
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After studying the chapter, your students should be able to:
1. Distinguish between the activities and financial statements of service and merchandising
2. Describe and illustrate the accounting for merchandise transactions.
3. Describe and illustrate the adjusting process for a merchandising business.
4. Describe and illustrate the financial statements of a merchandising business.
5. Describe and illustrate the use of asset turnover in evaluating a company’s operating
administrative expenses (general expenses)
asset turnover
cash refund
cost of merchandise sold
credit memorandum (credit memo)
credit period
credit terms
customer allowance
customer discounts
customer refunds payable
debit memorandum (debit memo)
estimated returns inventory
FOB (free on board) destination
FOB (free on board) shipping point
gross profit
income from operations (operating income)
inventory shrinkage (inventory shortage)
merchandise inventory
multiple-step income statement
operating cycle
other expense
other revenue
periodic inventory system
perpetual inventory system
physical inventory
purchases discounts
purchases returns and allowances
sales discounts
selling expenses
single-step income statement
trade discounts
Chapter 6 Accounting for Merchandising Businesses 6-3
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How do you handle a business that is primarily a service business but has some merchandising
In a merchandising (retail) type business, how can you use the periodic inventory method and still use
a computer to monitor inventory?
Which method is more current or is more correct so that what is in inventory can be determined at any
given time?
When viewing a chart of accounts, how can you determine if it is for a periodic or perpetual inventory
What accounts are in the chart of accounts of a periodic inventory system?
What accounts are in the chart of accounts of a perpetual inventory system?
Which inventory method will yield the most net income?
Which inventory method will yield the least net income?
How can a business have gross profit but end up with a net loss for the year?
Why not debit the sales account directly for any adjustments?
Why do you add transportation in and do not deduct delivery expense when determining the cost of
merchandise purchased?
Why does it matter that we identify other revenues and expenses on the income statement? It doesn’t
impact the overall net income or net loss.
Why can’t we deduct credit card expense from sales? After all, it reduces the cash we receive from
the sale.
Why don’t discount terms apply to the total amount we may owe a supplier when the supplier prepays
the freight for us?
Why do we record the sales tax separately from the sales amount? Wouldn’t it be easier to credit
Sales for the total amount (sales and tax) and then debit Sales when we remit the sales tax?
When computing asset turnover, why is there a choice about which value of assets to use? Does it
Distinguish between the activities and financial statements of service and merchandising
The differences between service and merchandising businesses are discussed in this chapter. The first
objective describes the operating cycle process for merchandising businesses in Exhibit 1. The time in
6-4 Chapter 6 Accounting for Merchandising Businesses
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days of this operating cycle differs vastly depending on the type of merchandise sold. Financial
statements reflect the differences between these types of businesses. The income of a services business is
often reported as fees earned; for a merchandising business, it is reported as sales. Condensed income
statements from a service business (H&R Block) and a retail business (The Home Depot) illustrate how
these statements differ.
Key Terms and Definitions
Cost of Merchandise Sold - The cost that is reported as an expense when merchandise is sold.
Gross Profit - Sales minus the cost of merchandise sold.
Merchandise Inventory - Merchandise on hand (not sold) at the end of an accounting period.
Operating Cycle - The process by which a company spends cash, generates revenues, and
receives cash either at the time the revenues are generated or later by collecting an accounts
Sales - The total amount charged customers for merchandise sold, including cash sales and sales
on account.
Relevant Example Exercise and Exhibit
Exhibit 1 The Operating Cycle for a Merchandising Business
Example Exercise 6-1 Gross Profit
The goal of Objective 1 is to introduce the student to the basic skeleton of the income statement for the
Cost of Merchandise Sold
Gross Profit
Operating Expenses
Net Income
To demonstrate the need for this new format, ask your students the following question: What is the largest
expense incurred by a retail store, such as Target or Old Navy? (Answer: the cost of the merchandise that
is sold to the customer)
Because this cost is the retailer’s major expense, it is shown separately from the operating expenses when
preparing the income statement. The cost of merchandise sold is deducted from sales to get the subtotal
gross profit. This amount is the profit left after “paying for” the merchandise that was sold to the
customer. It must be used to “paythe retailer’s operating expenses, such as salaries, rent, utilities, and
advertising. It might be beneficial to clarify up front that a merchandising business both buys and sells
merchandise inventory. Make sure the student can put on the buyers hat and the sellers hat and
distinguish between the two activities.
Chapter 6 Accounting for Merchandising Businesses 6-5
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Objective 1 also introduces Merchandise Inventory, explaining that this account is reported as a current
asset on the balance sheet.
Describe and illustrate the accounting for merchandise transactions.
NetSolutions becomes a retailer in this chapter, and its transactions are illustrated by using a simplified
general journal. Using a perpetual inventory system, the merchandise available for sale and the cost of
goods sold are continuously updated. As computerized inventory is widely used, this method has become
more common. When merchandise is purchased by the retailer, an inventory account is debited and the
credit goes to either Cash or Accounts Payable. The terms laying out how the merchandise is to be paid
for are called credit terms. If payment on delivery is required, the terms are cash or net cash. If the buyer
is permitted an amount of time to pay, it is called the credit period. The credit period usually begins with
the date of the invoice. Terms expressed as 2/10, n/30 mean a discount of 2 percent will be given if the
invoice is paid within 10 days and the net amount is due within 30 days. Exhibit 3 shows a typical invoice
with credit due terms, and Exhibit 4 illustrates how to count days for the credit terms. Discounts taken by
the buyer are called purchase discounts. Under the perpetual inventory system, the buyer debits
Merchandise Inventory and credits Accounts Payable assuming all purchase discounts are taken. In this
way, merchandise inventory shows the net amount paid to the buyer.
If a retailer returns any merchandise, the retailer may request an allowance for merchandise returned.
From the buyer’s perspective, these returns are called purchases returns and allowances. The buyer sends
the seller a debit memo, which shows the seller the amount the buyer is requesting to debit to Accounts
Payable and also the reasons for the request. The buyer then debits Accounts Payable and credits
Merchandise Inventory. If the buyer is granted the allowance prior to paying the invoice, the amount is
deducted before computing any discounts.
Cash sales are recorded as a debit to Cash and a credit to Sales for the amount of the sale. Using the
perpetual inventory system, the decrease in inventory must also be recorded at the same time. Cost of
Goods Sold is debited, and Inventory is credited for the amount the inventory cost the buyer. If a credit
card is used, the transaction is recorded as a cash sale and the credit card processing fee charged the
retailer is paid periodically by the retailer. Credit card companies charge retailers a processing fee, which
when paid is recorded as a debit to an expense account and a credit to Cash. If the retailer sells on
account, Accounts Receivable is debited, Sales is credited, and the cost of merchandise sold and
merchandise inventory are recorded as above. If the seller is offering the buyer credit terms, it will reduce
the amount of sales. If the product is returned, it will also reduce the amount of sales.
Purchases and sales of merchandise often involve freight costs. FOB (free on board) shipping point means
that ownership of the merchandise passes to the buyer when it is picked up by the freight carrier. This also
means that the buyer will be paying the shipping costs. FOB destination means ownership of the
merchandise does not pass to the buyer until it is physically received. This means that shipping costs are
usually paid by the seller. In the first case, shipping costs are paid by the buyer and debited directly to the
inventory account. When freight costs are paid by the seller, the cost of the freight is debited to an
expense account. These freight terms are summarized in Exhibit 8. Exhibit 9 summarizes how these
transactions are journalized using T accounts.
6-6 Chapter 6 Accounting for Merchandising Businesses
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Another topic that is addressed in the chapter is sales tax. When a retailer sells merchandise to the end
consumer, a liability for sales tax is incurred. The seller collects the taxes at the time of sale. Accounts
Receivable is debited for the total amount, Sales is credited for only the price of the merchandise, and an
additional amount is credited to the sales tax payable account. Businesses that sell to other businesses for
resale do not charge sales taxes. These businesses may offer trade discounts to other businesses that are
not offered to consumers. Usually, only the net price is recorded in this type of transaction.
Key Terms and Definitions
Cash Refund - An amount paid by the seller to the buyer for merchandise that is defective, is
damaged during shipment, or does not meet the buyer’s expectations.
Credit Memorandum (Credit Memo) - A form used by a seller to inform the buyer of the
amount the seller proposes to credit to the account receivable due from the buyer.
Credit Period -The amount of time the buyer is allowed in which to pay the seller.
Credit Terms - Terms for payment on account by the buyer to the seller.
Customer Allowance - Returns to the seller by the customer or reductions from the initial selling
price due to defective or damaged merchandise or goods that did not meet the customer’s
Customer Discounts - A variety of discounts offered by the seller as incentive for the customer
to act in a way benefiting the seller.
Customer Refunds Payable - A liability account for estimated refunds and allowances that will
be paid or granted customers in the future.
Debit Memorandum (Debit Memo) - A form used by a buyer to inform the seller of the amount
the buyer proposes to debit to the account payable due the seller.
Estimated Returns Inventory - A current asset that is reported on the balance sheet after
FOB (Free on Board) Destination - Freight terms in which the seller pays the transportation
costs from the shipping point to the final destination.
FOB (Free on Board) Shipping Point - Freight terms in which the buyer pays the transportation
costs from the shipping point to the final destination.
Invoice - The bill that the seller sends to the buyer.
Periodic Inventory System - The inventory system in which the inventory records do not show
the amount available for sale or sold during the period.
Perpetual Inventory System - The inventory system in which each purchase and sale of
merchandise is recorded in an inventory account.
Physical Inventory - A detailed listing of merchandise on hand.
Purchases Discounts - Discounts taken by the buyer for early payment of an invoice.
Purchases Returns and Allowances - From the buyer’s perspective, returned merchandise or an
adjustment for defective merchandise.
Sales Discounts - From the seller’s perspective, discounts that a seller may offer the buyer for
early payment.
Trade Discounts - Discounts from the list prices in published catalogs or special discounts
offered to certain classes of buyers.
Wholesalers - Companies that sell merchandise to other businesses rather than to the public.
Chapter 6 Accounting for Merchandising Businesses 6-7
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Relevant Example Exercises and Exhibits
Exhibit 2 Chart of Accounts for NetSolutions as a Merchandising Business
Exhibit 3 Invoice
Exhibit 4 Credit Terms
Exhibit 5 Debit Memo
Example Exercise 6-2 Purchases Transactions
Exhibit 6 Credit Memo
Exhibit 7 Journal Entries to Record Customer Refunds, Allowances, and Returns
Example Exercise 6-3 Sales Transactions
Exhibit 8 Freight Terms
Example Exercise 6-4 Freight Terms
Exhibit 9 Recording Merchandise Inventory Transactions
Exhibit 10 Illustration of Merchandise Inventory Transactions for Seller and Buyer
Example Exercise 6-5 Transactions for Buyer and Seller
This objective demonstrates to the student that merchandising businesses engage in purchasing and
selling of merchandise inventory. First, the purchase of inventory is demonstrated using the perpetual
method of accounting for inventory. Note that the periodic method is demonstrated in the appendix to the
The second part of this objective covers the entries to record sales in a perpetual inventory system. Begin
by stressing that selling merchandise to a customer requires two entriesone to record the sales revenue
and another to remove the item sold from merchandise inventory.
DEMONSTRATION PROBLEMEntries for Merchandise Purchases
Purchases of merchandise for resale to a customer are recorded in the merchandise inventory account.
Point out that this account is an asset. Therefore, it is debited whenever inventory is increased and
credited whenever inventory is decreased.
Handout 6-1 lists purchase-related transactions for S & V Office Supply Company. Read the first
transaction to your students and ask them to journalize it in their notes. After giving them a minute to
work, show them the correct journal entry. Proceed with the other transactions listed on the handout. The
correct journal entries are listed on Handout 6-2. Use transaction 5 to explain the concept of a debit memo
in regard to returned merchandise.
The transactions on Handout 6-1 do include references to credit terms (e.g., 2/10, n/30). Remind students
that all merchandise purchases are recorded at the net purchase price; the buyer debits Merchandise
Inventory for the amount of the invoice less the discount, if a discount is offered.
6-8 Chapter 6 Accounting for Merchandising Businesses
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DEMONSTRATION PROBLEMEntries to Record Merchandise Sales
Handout 6-3 presents a matrix that explains the new accounts related to sales. Review these accounts with
your class.
Handout 6-4 lists several sales-related transactions for S & V Office Supply Company. One method to
present this material is to give the students examples of the entries to record the sale of inventory items in
lecture format. Another is to allow students to decipher the entries on their own. Try reading the first
transaction to your students and ask them to journalize it in their notes. After giving them a minute to
work, show them the correct journal entry. Proceed with the other transactions listed on the handout. The
correct journal entries are listed on Handouts 6-5 and 6-6. Use transaction 4 to demonstrate the use of a
credit memo for acknowledgement of returned merchandise.
WRITING EXERCISERecording Merchandise Sales
To emphasize some of the operational considerations in recording sales, ask your students to write
answers to one or more of the following questions.
1. Why would a retailer offer customers a discount for timely payment?
2. If you owned a merchandising business, how would you decide which credit cards, if any, to accept?
3. Which of the following credit terms would be more generous to your customers: n/30 or n/eom?
Possible responses: (1) Retailers offer discounts to customers to encourage them to pay early to improve
cash flow. (2) A large expense for merchandisers is credit card fees. These costs would come into the
decision-making process. On the other hand, the convenience of consumers using credit cards and those
cards that the majority of buyers carry will also factor into this decision process. (3) The only time that
n/eom is more favorable is when an invoice is issued on the first day of the month in a month that has 31
For many students, a 2 percent discount doesn’t sound very impressive. They may need a little help
understanding the true financial impact of taking discounts on purchases. The following questions will
stress the savings of taking discounts:
1. What is the net savings from borrowing at a 12 percent interest rate in order to take the discount on a
$10,000 purchase, terms 1/10, n/30? Answer: $34 [$100 ($9,900 20/360 12%)].
2. What is the interest rate earned on taking a discount with terms 3/15, n/60? Answer: 24 percent (3%
Chapter 6 Accounting for Merchandising Businesses 6-9
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LECTURE AIDTransportation Costs on Sales
If merchandise is sold FOB destination, the seller is responsible for paying the shipping cost. The cost is
debited to Freight Out or Delivery Expense. For example, assume goods costing $100 are sold to a
customer on account for $250, terms FOB destination. The freight cost paid to have these goods delivered
is $25. The following entries are needed to record this sale and the transportation costs:
Accounts Receivable………… 250
Sales…………………. 250
Cost of Merchandise Sold…… 100
Merchandise Inventory 100
Delivery Expense………….. 25
Cash…………………. 25
FOB (free on board) terms identify (1) when legal title to goods passes from seller to buyer and (2) who is
responsible for paying transportation costs. Handout 6-7 lists the operational implications of FOB terms.
Notice that Handout 6-7 points out that the buyer bears the risk of loss during transportation when
merchandise is shipped FOB shipping point. Therefore, the buyer should make sure that the merchandise
is insured against loss during shipment.
A couple of points related to shipping terms usually need special emphasis. First, when merchandise is
shipped FOB shipping point, the seller frequently prepays the transportation costs and adds this amount to
the buyer’s invoice. Second, remind students that transportation costs are not eligible for early payment
discounts. Those discounts apply only to the cost of the merchandise purchased. To test their
understanding of these concepts, ask them to compute the cash to be paid in the following problem.
Logan Appliances purchased $8,000 of merchandise, 2/10, n/30, FOB shipping point. The seller prepaid
the shipping charges of $200. If Logan pays for this merchandise within the discount period, how much
should Logan remit to the seller? (Answer: $8,040)
DEMONSTRATION PROBLEMTransportation Costs on Purchases
Ask your students to record the transactions related to the purchase of merchandise and transportation
costs on Handout 6-8. The correct entries are listed on Handout 6-9.
TEACHING SUGGESTIONChart of Accounts, Trade Discounts, and Sales
Chart of Accounts: After explaining the text’s system, it is interesting to point out the variety in charts of
accounts and their numbering systems by providing some real-world examples. Ask students to bring in
copies of charts of accounts for merchandising businesses. Students may have access to charts of accounts
through their job or the job of a relative. There are also several websites that provide sample charts of
accounts to various industries. These can be found by searching for “chart of accounts” using an Internet
6-10 Chapter 6 Accounting for Merchandising Businesses
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search engine. Many industry trade organizations will provide these samples on their website. As an
alternative, you may want to describe the chart of accounts for a local company with which you are
In discussing the chart of accounts for a merchandising firm, the text uses a three-digit account number.
This reflects the growing number of accounts required by the increased complexity of a merchandiser’s
accounting transactions.
Under the three-digit chart of accounts, the first digit represents the account classification (1 for assets, 2
for liabilities, etc.). The second digit represents the subclassification (11 for current assets and 21 for
current liabilities). The third digit identifies the specific account.
Trade Discounts: To introduce trade discounts to your students, you need only to define the term and
give a quick example. A trade discount is a discount off the normal (or list) price of merchandise given to
a certain class of buyers, such as customers buying wholesale, not-for-profits, or governmental agencies,
etc. If merchandise with a list price of $700 is sold to a customer entitled to a 25 percent trade discount,
the selling price is reduced to $525 ($700 25% = $175; $700 $175 = $525). Remind students that
trade discounts are not shown separately in journal entries. The amount credited to Sales (and debited to
Cash or Accounts Receivable) is simply the discounted price.
Sales Tax: Unless your students have lived exclusively in a state that does not charge sales tax, they will
already be familiar with this concept. Remind students that when sales tax is collected by a merchandiser
at the time of a sale, it is recorded in a liability account (Sales Tax Payable); the merchandiser is obligated
to remit the sales tax collected to the appropriate government authority. You may want to refer to the
journal entries related to sales tax in the text.
Describe and illustrate the adjusting process for a merchandising business.
Using the perpetual inventory system, the inventory account is constantly updated. This means the
amount in the inventory account should be equal to the amount of merchandise available for sale at any
point in time. However, retailers often experience loss from shoplifting, employee theft, or errors, and this
causes discrepancies between the inventory account and the merchandise actually available for sale. The
physical inventory on hand at the end of the accounting period in usually less than shown in the inventory
account. This difference is called inventory shrinkage or shortage. This shrinkage is recorded by an
adjusting entry: Cost of Merchandise Sold is debited and Merchandise Inventory is credited. After the
adjusting entry is recorded, the merchandise inventory account should reflect the physical inventory
count. If this amount becomes too large, a business may decide to record this in a separate account called
Merchandise Inventory Shrinkage.
Chapter 6 Accounting for Merchandising Businesses 6-11
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Two adjusting entries are necessary for estimated allowances and returns. The first adjusting entry debits
Sales and credits Customer Refunds Payable. The second entry debits Estimated Returns Inventory and
credits Cost of Merchandise Sold.
Key Term and Definition
Inventory Shrinkage (Inventory Shortage) - The amount by which the merchandise for sale, as
indicated by the balance of the merchandise inventory account, is larger than the total amount of
merchandise counted during the physical inventory.
Relevant Example Exercises
Example Exercise 6-6 Inventory Shrinkage
Example Exercise 6-7 Customer Allowances and Returns
This objective introduces the adjusting entry for inventory shrinkage. Remind students that merchandisers
also record any of the adjusting entries introduced in Chapter 3 that are applicable (e.g., supplies used,
insurance expired, wages owed to employees, fees earned, etc.). It also discusses closing entries; point out
to students that closing entries for a merchandising business are similar to those for a service business.
Discuss the new merchandising accounts that are added as part of the closing process. Cost of
merchandise sold is an all new merchandising account that gets closed along with the already familiar
expense accounts. The revenue account for a merchandising business is the sales account and requires a
debit entry to close the account.
The adjusting process may require Merchandise Inventory to be adjusted for various causes (see text).
Ask students to name a few. Large shortages can exist due to spoilage and shrinkage or maybe theft
(employee, customer, unknown). The related expenses are Cost of Merchandise Sold, and likewise,
Merchandise Inventory has disappeared, so it must be reduced (credited). Large shrinkage/shortages may
be put in a separate expense account, but they still increase Cost of Merchandise Sold. Physical inventory
and book inventory must agree at the end of the period.
LECTURE AIDAdjusting Entry for Inventory Shrinkage
Unfortunately, inventory shrinkage is considered a normal cost of operations for a retailer. Theft of
inventory (shoplifting), damaged inventory, and mistakes in recording inventory can never be totally
eliminated. Therefore, the inventory account must be adjusted prior to preparing financial statements. Any
shrinkage is recorded as an expense.
For example, assume a company’s perpetual inventory records show that there should be $89,500 of
inventory on hand. (Emphasize that the perpetual records show what should be in inventory based on
merchandise purchased and sold during the year.) However, a physical inventory count reveals that only
$87,000 is actually on hand at year-end. Ask your students to determine the amount of shrinkage.
(Answer: $2,500)
6-12 Chapter 6 Accounting for Merchandising Businesses
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This shrinkage is recorded as follows:
Cost of Merchandise Sold……….. 2,500
Merchandise Inventory….. 2,500
You may want to point out that if the amount of shrinkage is unusually large, it is better to record it in a
separate account, such as Loss from Merchandise Inventory Shrinkage; stress that all companies must do
a physical inventory count at least once per year to verify the information in the perpetual inventory
LECTURE AIDAdjusting Entries for Customer Refunds, Allowances, and
The amounts reported on the financial statements must accurately reflect the position of the company.
Sellers usually experience customer returns and/or grant allowances as part of doing business. Therefore,
the financial statements should reflect the anticipation of these returns and allowances.
Companies are required to estimate returns and allowances at the end of the accounting period and
prepare two adjusting entries. The first entry decreases sales to the amount of sales that the company
actually expects to earn. It also creates a liability account to estimate the amount that will be paid to
customers. The second entry reduces Cost of Merchandise Sold for the amount of inventory expected to
be returned. Since the inventory is still in the hands of the customer, the inventory account cannot be
increased. Instead, the estimated cost of inventory to be returned is recorded in Estimated Returns
Inventory. The adjusting entries are recorded as follows. Assume the estimated amount of returns is
$1,500 and the cost of inventory related to those returns is $900.
Sales……..……..……..……..………... 1,500
Customer Refunds Payable….. 1,500
Estimated Returns Inventory…………. 900
Cost of Merchandise Sold …… 900
In Objective 2, we saw the journal entries required when a customer returns merchandise. You may want
to review those at this time. Journal entry 4 on Handout 6-6 shows the following:
S & V Office Supply Company accepted a return of $50 worth of merchandise from a cash customer. The
cost of the merchandise returned was $30. The customer received a cash refund.
Customer Refunds Payable…..………. 50
Cash………………………….. 50
Merchandise Inventory …..…………. 30
Cost of Merchandise Sold ....... 30
Remind the students that if S & V allowed the customer to keep the inventory, only the first entry is
Chapter 6 Accounting for Merchandising Businesses 6-13
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Describe and illustrate the financial statements of a merchandising business.
Merchandising businesses have a few unique items in their financial statements. First, let’s take a look at
the multiple-step income statement shown in Exhibit 11. The first section shows sales. The cost of
merchandise sold is subtracted from sales to calculate gross profit. The Operating expenses section is
divided in two parts: selling expenses and administrative expenses. The total expenses are subtracted from
gross profit to calculate income from operations, and then there is a small section for other revenue and
expense before arriving at net income. Exhibit 12 displays the same information in a single-step income
statement. The statement of owner’s equity for a merchandising business does not differ from the service
business statement shown in previous chapters. The balance sheet may be presented two ways. In the
account form, the Assets section is displayed on the left side, and the liabilities and owner’s equity are on
the right. The balance sheet may also be presented in a downward sequence of three sections known as
the report form. The balance sheet for NetSolutions in report form is shown in Exhibit 14.
Closing entries are similar to a service business. Debit each revenue account for its balance, credit each
expense account for its balance, and credit owner’s capital account for net income. Debit the owner’s
capital account for a net loss. Cost of merchandise sold is a temporary account and is closed like an
expense account. Debit the owner’s capital account for the balance of the drawing account and credit the
drawing account. After the closing entries and post-closing trial balance are prepared, only permanent
accounts are shown on the post-closing trial balance.
Key Terms and Definitions
Administrative Expenses (General Expenses) - Expenses incurred in the administration or
general operations of the business.
Income from Operations (Operating Income) - Revenues less operating expenses and service
department charges for a profit or an investment center.
Multiple-Step Income Statement - A form of income statement that contains several sections,
subsections, and subtotals.
Other Expense - Expenses that cannot be traced directly to operations.
Other Revenue - Revenue from sources other than the primary operating activity of a business.
Selling Expenses - Expenses that are incurred directly in the selling of merchandise.
Single-Step Income Statement - A form of income statement in which the total of all expenses is
deducted from the total of all revenues.
Relevant Exhibits
Exhibit 11 Multiple-Step Income Statement
Exhibit 12 Single-Step Income Statement
Exhibit 13 Statement of Owner’s Equity for Merchandising Business
Exhibit 14 Balance Sheet for Merchandising Business
6-14 Chapter 6 Accounting for Merchandising Businesses
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This objective introduces the multiple-step income statement. This income statement format contains
various sections, subsections, and subtotals, which increase the length and complexity of the income
statement. Point out that the benefit of this more detailed format is greater flexibility in analyzing a
company’s performance. For example, the gross profit percentage (gross profit divided by sales) is used
to analyze the markup above cost charged by retailers.
The trap that many students fall into is blindly attempting to memorize the multiple-step income
statement line by line. Instead, they need to approach it as a series of pieces (sections) that must be fit
together to provide a total picture of a companysimilar to fitting together pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.
Note: The format of the multiple-step income statement is significantly different in the area of Cost of
Merchandise Sold when periodic inventory is used than when perpetual inventory is used.
GROUP LEARNING ACTIVITYMultiple-Step Income Statement
Before digging into the multiple-step income statement, you will need to define the new terms for your
Sales: The total amount charged customers for merchandise sold. (This is a revenue account.)
Cost of Merchandise Sold: The cost to purchase the inventory being sold.
Gross Profit: Proceeds available for selling and administrative expenses.
Selling Expenses: Costs directly incurred in selling the merchandise, such as the cost of advertising or
commissions paid to salespersons.
Administrative Expenses: Costs incurred in the administration or general operations of the business, such
as the cost of office supplies or the salary paid to an accountant.
Income from Operations: Profit earned by the conducting company’s primary business of buying and
selling merchandise.
Other Revenue: Revenue from sources other than the company’s primary business, such as interest
revenue on a checking account or rent revenue from leasing unused space.
Other Expense: Costs incurred from activities other than the company’s primary business of buying and
selling its product, such as interest expense on business loans.
You may want to demonstrate how intuitive the calculations are on the income statement by asking the
following question:
Assume a retailer sold $100 in merchandise to a customer on account. That customer returned $10 of the
merchandise. The customer also paid for the remaining merchandise early, entitling her to a $5 discount.
What amount of revenue was really earned on the sale? (Answer: $85)
Handout 6-10 shows the individual sections of the multiple-step income statement and how they
interrelate. Review this handout with the class, explaining each section and its placement in the statement.
Handout 6-11 shows an adjusted trial balance for Gem City Music. Divide students into small groups and
ask them to prepare an income statement for this retailer. A completed income statement is shown on
Handout 6-12.
Chapter 6 Accounting for Merchandising Businesses 6-15
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GROUP LEARNING ACTIVITY—Statement of Owner’s Equity and Balance
Point out that there are no differences between the statements of owner’s equity for a service business and
a merchandiser. Remind students that the only difference on the balance sheet is that a merchandising
company will show Merchandise Inventory and Estimated Returns Inventory as current assets and
Customer Refunds Payable as a current liability on its balance sheet. If time permits, your students can
review these financial statements by preparing a statement of owner’s equity and balance sheet from the
adjusted trial balance for Gem City Music on Handout 6-11. See Handouts 6-13 and 6-14 for the
completed financial statements.
LECTURE AIDClosing Process for Merchandising Business
The process of closing entries has not changed from Chapter 4; there are simply more accounts to close.
In a perpetual inventory system, the cost of merchandise sold account is closed to the owner’s capital
account, along with the other debit balance accounts shown in the Income Statement column of the end-
of-period spreadsheet (work sheet). The sales account is the revenue account which is also closed to the
owner’s capital account.
Describe and illustrate the use of asset turnover in evaluating a company’s operating
To measure how effectively a company uses its assets to generate sales, the asset turnover (Sales/Average
Total Assets) is computed. This objective gives an example of asset turnover and shows the calculation
for average assets to be the average of the assets at the beginning and end of the year.
Key Term and Definition
Asset Turnover - A measure of how effectively a business is using its assets to generate sales.
Relevant Example Exercise
Example Exercise 6-8 Asset Turnover
6-16 Chapter 6 Accounting for Merchandising Businesses
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Explain to students that the assets of a company are “used up” as a normal part of conducting business.
How efficiently a company uses those assets to generate sales is another good indicator of the company’s
operating performance. As the text indicates, the value of the assets used to compute the asset turnover
may be the total assets at the end of the year, the average between the beginning and the end of the year,
or the average of the monthly assets.
APPENDIXThe Periodic Inventory System
The periodic inventory system may be used for businesses that use a manual accounting system. In the
periodic system, the cost of merchandise sold is determined at the end of the period. An example is shown
in Exhibit 17. Additional accounts used in this system are shown in the chart of accounts in Exhibit 15.
Using the periodic system, instead of recording merchandise purchases in the inventory account,
purchases, purchases discounts, purchase returns and allowances, and freight in accounts are used. The
adjusting process is the same under this system with the exception of the adjustment for shrinkage. Since
the inventory account is not kept up to date, shrinkage can be determined only indirectly in the cost of
merchandise sold. The closing process is the same under the periodic system except that the names of the
accounts change. Examples of the closing entries are shown in Exhibit 18.
Relevant Exhibits
Exhibit 15 Chart of Accounts Under the Periodic Inventory System
Exhibit 16 Transactions Using the Periodic Inventory System
Exhibit 17 Determining Cost of Merchandise Sold Using Periodic Inventory
Exhibit 18 Closing Entries: Periodic Method
Chapter 6 assumes that a merchandising business uses a perpetual inventory system. Some businesses
may still use a periodic inventory system, and this appendix points out the differences in the two systems.
Point out Exhibit 16 in the text, and emphasize the difference in accounts and timing of recording Cost of
Merchandise Sold between the periodic and perpetual inventory systems.
Problems 6-8A or 6-8B in the textbook can be used to demonstrate the entries and differences between
the two inventory methods.
LECTURE AIDCalculating Cost of Merchandise Sold Using the Periodic
Inventory System
This activity presents a brief comparison of the perpetual and periodic inventory systems. Handouts 6-15
through 6-17 contrast the two inventory systems, show the costs and benefits of a perpetual inventory
Chapter 6 Accounting for Merchandising Businesses 6-17
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system, and offer insight on how businesses choose an inventory system. To illustrate the essence of a
perpetual inventory system, relate it to a checkbook. Maintaining a checkbook register for a bank account
is a type of perpetual inventory system. By tracking increases (deposits) and decreases (withdrawals or
checks written) in the checkbook register, you can keep a running balance of your cash.
A merchandiser that uses the periodic inventory system must compute cost of merchandise sold when
preparing an income statement. This calculation is based on the amount of inventory purchased and the
amount in inventory at the beginning and end of the period. The following story will illustrate this
Assume that you are a “Twinkies junkie.” Whenever you study, you eat Twinkies. One evening, before a
big accounting test, you go to your cupboard and find that you have only three Twinkies left. You know
that three Twinkies will never get you through the night, so you head off to the grocery to buy another
box. The box contains 12 Twinkies. You then proceed to study and eat, study and eat, and study and eat.
The next morning, you decide to figure out how many Twinkies you ate while studying. You didn’t count
the Twinkies as you ate them, but you know the old box is empty and the new box has only five Twinkies
left. How many Twinkies did you eat? (After waiting for a response, continue the illustration.)
Let’s review your calculation using accounting terminology. You started with a beginning inventory of
three Twinkies. You then purchased 12 Twinkies. This gave you 15 Twinkies available for consumption.
Since five Twinkies were left in ending inventory, you must have eaten 10.
This is essentially the calculation of cost of merchandise sold under a periodic inventory system:
Merchandise Inventory on hand at the beginning of the year
+ Cost of Merchandise Purchased
Merchandise Available for Sale
Merchandise Inventory left at the end of the year
Cost of Merchandise Sold
When purchasing merchandise inventory, a business may be required to pay transportation costs to have
the merchandise delivered from the supplier. The purchaser may also receive early payment discounts or
make returns of unwanted merchandise. Therefore, the cost of merchandise purchased must be calculated
as follows:
Purchase Returns and Allowances
Purchase Discounts
Net Purchases
+ Transportation In
Cost of Merchandise Purchased
Handout 6-18 shows these calculations and how they fit together.
Handout 6-19 provides a practice problem related to the calculation of cost of merchandise sold in the
periodic system. Ask your students to calculate the cost of merchandise purchased (answer: $975) and the
cost of merchandise sold (answer: $905).
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Handout 6-1
1. S & V purchased $500 worth of merchandise for cash.
2. S & V purchased $4,000 of merchandise on account; terms n/30.
3. S & V paid for the merchandise purchased in transaction 2.
4. S & V purchased $2,000 of merchandise from its supplier on account;
terms 3/15, n/45.
5. S & V returned $100 worth of the merchandise purchased in
transaction 4 because it was damaged.
6. S & V paid for the merchandise purchased in transaction 4, less the
amount returned in transaction 5. This invoice was paid within the
discount period.
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Handout 6-2
1. S & V purchased $500 worth of merchandise for cash.
Merchandise Inventory ........................................... 500
Cash .................................................................... 500
2. S & V purchased $4,000 of merchandise on account; terms n/30.
Merchandise Inventory ........................................... 4,000
Accounts Payable ............................................... 4,000
3. S & V paid for the merchandise purchased in transaction 2.
Accounts Payable .................................................... 4,000
Cash .................................................................... 4,000
4. S & V purchased $2,000 of merchandise from its supplier on account;
terms 3/15, n/45.
Merchandise Inventory ........................................... 1,940
Accounts Payable ............................................... 1,940
5. S & V returned $100 worth of the merchandise purchased in
transaction 4 because it was damaged.
Accounts Payable .................................................... 97
Merchandise Inventory ....................................... 97
6. S & V paid for the merchandise purchased in transaction 4, less the
amount returned in transaction 5. This invoice was paid within the
discount period.
Accounts Payable .................................................... 1,843
Cash .................................................................... 1,843
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Handout 6-3
The following are used to record sales of merchandise to customers:
Classifi- Normal
Account Purpose cation Balance
Sales Used to record Revenue Credit
sales revenue when-
ever a sale is made
to a cash or credit
Cost of Used to record the cost Expense Debit
Merchandise of inventory items sold to
Sold customers. The inventory
items sold must be removed
from the merchandise
inventory account.
Credit Card Used to record the service Expense Debit
Expense fee charged by credit card
Sales Tax Used to record sales tax Liability Credit
Payable collected by the seller;
these taxes must be paid
to the appropriate tax
authority (e.g.,
state or county).
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Handout 6-4
1. Sold $500 in merchandise to a cash customer. The cost of the
merchandise sold was $280.
2. Sold $1,200 worth of merchandise to a customer who charged the
merchandise to her VISA card. The cost of the merchandise sold was
$950. [Hint: Bank card sales (VISA and MasterCard) are treated the
same as cash sales because the retailer may deposit the credit card
slips directly into his or her bank account.]
3. Sold $2,000 in merchandise to a credit customer on a store account.
The terms of the sale are 2/10, n/30. The cost of the merchandise sold
was $1,600.
4. Accepted a return of $50 worth of merchandise from the cash
customer in transaction 1. The cost of the merchandise returned was
$30. The customer received a cash refund.
5. Received payment from the credit customer in transaction 3 within
the discount period.
6. Paid the service fee on VISA and MasterCard sales to Third National
Bank, $75.
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Handout 6-5
1. Sold $500 in merchandise to a cash customer. The cost of the
merchandise sold was $280.
Cash ......................................................................... 500
Sales .................................................................... 500
Cost of Merchandise Sold ....................................... 280
Merchandise Inventory ....................................... 280
2. Sold $1,200 worth of merchandise to a customer who charged the
merchandise to her VISA card. The cost of the merchandise sold was
Cash ......................................................................... 1,200
Sales .................................................................... 1,200
Cost of Merchandise Sold ....................................... 950
Merchandise Inventory ....................................... 950
3. Sold $2,000 in merchandise to a credit customer on a store account.
The terms of the sale are 2/10, n/30. The cost of the merchandise sold
was $1,600.
Accounts Receivable ............................................... 1,960
Sales .................................................................... 1,960
Cost of Merchandise Sold ....................................... 1,600
Merchandise Inventory ....................................... 1,600
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Handout 6-6
Solution (Concluded)
4. Accepted a return of $50 worth of merchandise from the cash
customer in transaction 1. The cost of the merchandise returned was
$30. The customer received a cash refund.
Customer Refunds Payable ..................................... 50
Cash .................................................................... 50
Merchandise Inventory ........................................... 30
Cost of Merchandise Sold .................................. 30
5. Received payment from the credit customer in transaction 3 within
the discount period.
Cash ......................................................................... 1,960
Accounts Receivable .......................................... 1,960
6. Paid the service fee on VISA and MasterCard sales to Third National
Bank, $75.
Credit Card Expense ............................................... 75
Cash .................................................................... 75
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Handout 6-7
Shipping Point Destination
Ownership (title)
passes to buyer
when merchandise Delivered to Received
is .......................................... freight carrier by buyer
costs are paid
by ........................................ Buyer Seller
Risk of loss during
belongs to ............................ Buyer Seller
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Handout 6-8
1. S & V purchased $1,000 worth of merchandise on account; terms
2/10, n/30, FOB shipping point. The freight costs of $50 were prepaid
by the seller and added to the invoice.
2. S & V paid for the merchandise purchased in transaction 1 within the
discount period. (Hint: The discount does not apply to the
transportation costs.)
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Handout 6-9
1. S & V purchased $1,000 worth of merchandise on account; terms
2/10, n/30, FOB shipping point. The freight costs of $50 were prepaid
by the seller and added to the invoice.
Merchandise Inventory ....................................... 1,030
Accounts Payable ........................................... 1,030
2. S & V paid for the merchandise purchased in transaction 1 within the
discount period.
Accounts Payable ................................................ 1,030
Cash ................................................................ 1,030
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Handout 6-10
Single-Step Multiple-Step
Income Income
Statement Statement
(Chapters 14) (Chapter 6)
Revenues Revenue from Sales
Expenses Cost of Merchandise Sold
Gross Profit
Operating Expenses:
Selling Expenses
Operating Expenses + Administrative Expenses
Total Operating Expenses
Income from Operations
+ Other Revenue
(i.e., Interest, Rent)
Other Expenses
(i.e., Interest)
Net Income Net Income
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Handout 6-11
Gem City Music
Adjusted Trial Balance
December 31, 20Y1
Cash ............................................................... 11,000
Accounts Receivable ..................................... 15,800
Merchandise Inventory .................................. 9,000
Estimated Returns Inventory ......................... 600
Office Equipment .......................................... 23,000
Accumulated Depreciation
Office Equipment ..................................... 9,200
Accounts Payable .......................................... 15,000
Customer Refunds Payable ........................... 1,000
Salaries Payable ............................................. 1,250
M. Marx, Capital ........................................... 11,500
M. Marx, Drawing ......................................... 12,800
Sales ............................................................... 187,100
Cost of Merchandise Sold ............................. 100,000
Rent Expense ................................................. 7,800
Sales Salaries Expense .................................. 17,700
Office Salaries Expense................................. 22,550
Depreciation Expense
Office Equipment ..................................... 2,800
Interest Expense............................................. 2,000
Total ............................................................... 225,050 225,050
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Handout 6-12
Gem City Music
Income Statement
For the Year Ended December 31, 20Y1
Sales ................................................ $187,100
Cost of merchandise sold ................... 100,000
Gross profit ......................................... $ 87,100
Operating expenses:
Selling expenses:
Sales salaries expense ............. $17,700
Total selling expenses ........ $17,700
Administrative expenses:
Rent expense ........................... $ 7,800
Office salaries expense ........... 22,550
Depr. expenseoffice equip. . 2,800
Total administrative expenses 33,150
Total operating expenses ............. 50,850
Income from operations...................... $ 36,250
Other expense:
Interest expense ........................... 2,000
Net income ...................................... $ 34,250
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Handout 6-13
Gem City Music
Statement of Owner’s Equity
For the Year Ended December 31, 20Y1
M. Marx, capital, January 1, 20Y1 ..................... $11,500
Net income for the year ...................................... $ 34,250
Withdrawals ........................................................ (12,800)
Increase in owner’s equity .................................. 21,450
M. Marx, capital, December 31, 20Y1 .............. $32,950
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Handout 6-14
Gem City Music
Balance Sheet
December 31, 20Y1
Current assets:
Cash ........................................................... $11,000
Accounts receivable .................................. 15,800
Merchandise inventory ............................. 9,000
Estimated returns inventory ...................... 600
Total current assets ............................... $36,400
Property, plant, and equipment:
Office equipment ...................................... $23,000
Less accumulated depreciation ................. 9,200
Total property, plant, and equipment ... 13,800
Total assets .................................................... $50,200
Current liabilities:
Accounts payable ...................................... $15,000
Customer refunds payable ........................ 1,000
Salaries payable ........................................ 1,250
Total liabilities ...................................... $17,250
Owner’s Equity
M. Marx, capital ............................................ 32,950
Total liabilities and owner’s equity ............... $50,200
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Handout 6-15
The merchandise inventory account is increased when inventory is
The merchandise inventory account is decreased when inventory is
sold to a customer.
Therefore, the merchandise inventory account always (perpetually)
shows the amount of inventory on hand.
Purchases of inventory are recorded in a purchases account.
Inventory is not removed from the accounting records when it is sold.
Therefore, the amount of inventory on hand must be determined by
taking a physical inventory count.
The perpetual inventory system requires more accounting entries, but it
provides more up-to-date information for managing inventory.
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Handout 6-16
1. Accounting records always show the amount of inventory on hand.
This will assist in:
a. Determining when to reorder inventory.
b. Determining how much inventory to reorder.
c. Analyzing whether an item of inventory is a hot seller or slow
d. Making decisions on markdowns or special promotions.
2. A physical inventory count is necessary only at year-end. This count
validates the perpetual inventory records.
1. Hiring extra accounting personnel or increased fees paid to an
accounting service as the result of a greater number of transactions
that must be recorded and processed.
2. Purchasing optical scanners and computerized equipment to track
purchases and sales of inventory items.
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Handout 6-17
Size of Unit Cost of Probable
Retailer Inventory Items Choice Reason
Small Low Periodic Perpetual inventory systems
may be too costly for a small
retailer who sells many low-
priced inventory items.
Small High Perpetual Because the cost of inventory
items is high, a smaller
number of the items would
be sold during the year. This
keeps the cost of a perpetual
system affordable. In addition,
tight control over the
high-cost inventory items is
Large Low Perpetual A large retailer will have
sufficient sales volume to
cover the cost of a perpetual
system even if the cost of
inventory items is relatively
low. The sales volume and
number of inventory items
make it difficult to manage
the business without
inventory records that are
updated daily.
Large High Perpetual The sales volume and need
for tight inventory control of
high-priced items will dictate
the use of a perpetual
inventory system.
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Handout 6-18
Merchandise Inventory, Beg. of Year Purchase Returns and
+ Cost of Merchandise Purchased Purchase Discounts
Net Purchases
Merchandise Available for Sale + Transportation In
Cost of Merchandise
Merchandise Inventory, End of Year Purchased
Cost of Merchandise Sold
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Handout 6-19
Christopher’s Gourmet Chocolates is a small retail store that uses a
periodic inventory system. Compute Christopher’s cost of merchandise
sold for November based on the following information:
Inventory on November 1 ................ $ 280
Merchandise purchased .................... 1,000
Merchandise returned due
to quality problems .................... 50
Discounts on merchandise
purchased ................................... 20
Delivery costs for
merchandise purchased .............. 45
Inventory on November 30 .............. 350