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The Gardi Times
s a part of the GTU syllabus for the subject Contributor Personality
Development, the activity was designed to make students understand and
feel the concept of contributor. The activity was indoctrinated by Pragya
Charitable and Education Trust and the subject in charge Mrs. Kiran Shah. It
was about taking the special people (i.e. Deaf and dumb kids, children from
orphan house, mentally challenged children from age group from 6 years to
55 years, blind people, and society for diabetics and thalassemia and many
others) to the amusement park Fun World in Rajkot. The number of these
people was 3200 from different institutions.
The students of 1st Semester were supposed to take part in the event where
the trustee Mr. Taksh Mishra required the man power to help the smooth
functioning at the park. NSS team with Prof. Nirav Mehta was on their
toes to support the students at their best. Looking towards the positive
attitude for this noble cause Dr. Siddharth Jadeja made it open for all the
students of BHGCEIT. There was a huge response from the students, faculties and
management. The activity was not enforced to any of the Gardians then also more
300 students became the part of it. Prof. Nirav Mehta and Mrs. Kiran Shah
took the initiative for the event and Prof. Parag Paija and Prof. Darshak
Pandya joint later to increase the enthusiasm of the students.
The event started at 9:00 am on 24th February 2017 where a cluster of
students were supposed to lookout crowds the children and old age people
toward the rides and make them enjoy. The students really did their best.
There were only eight rides which were kept open and number of children
was waiting for their turns. Gardians entertain them with games, dances
and quizzes. Then after lunch was planned where these crowd was to be
taken. The garba and dance were organized to spend the time while they
were waiting for their turn for lunch. Finally the students drop the children
to their respective buses and made satisfactorily spend their holiday in an
inspirational way. The event was grand success and students learnt the lesson of life
by contributing their valuable time on this holiday of Mahashivratri.
Year : 5
Issue : 49 Page : 12
MARCH 2017
time to step ahead...
The Gardi Times MARCH 2017
he students of Kum. M.H. Gardi school of
Management have taken part in a unique
competition "The Shylock show serial case study
Trails dated on February 3 & 4, 2017" which was state level
inter college study competition for undergraduate students
and postgraduate students organised by CHRIST
students made one case of fraud with girl about hostel fees
where statement and arguments were made by the students.
They come to know about so many things like how to plead
case in court and how to give statement and arguments,
evidence and judgement of the case. There were 24 teams
invited by the college and the students of Gardi college
performed well at the competition.
Christ Competition
How To Secure
Merit Position?
n the day of 1st March, 2017, the session on "TO
conducted by Assistant Prof. Ankita Dhamecha with the
motive to give guidance to secure good score in exams. This
session was organized for the students of MBA & I-MBA.
All the topics related to efficient and effective study were
explained. Moreover, to deal positively during the exam and
motivate oneself with defined SPI/CPI goal were added.
Before few days of examination what to be taken care of as
well as how to prepare your subjects was also part of session.
The whole activity has been coordinated by Ms. Ankita
Dhamecha at Kum. M.H.G.S.M. under the guidance of
Director Dr. Vishal Soni and supported by all faculties Ass.
Prof. Ashita Mansuriya, Ass. Prof. Aarti Bhatti, Ass. Prof.
Samir Dholakiya, Ass. Prof. Kanchan Parmar and Ass. Prof.
Viral Raval.
The Gardi TimesMARCH 2017
ardi vidyapith students have
made that sentence true by
wearing different attires on 5
days with 5 different themes:
Ÿ In school day, all the students
came dressed in uniforms and
with school bags and properly tied
hair and were happy to recall their
school memories.
Ÿ In group day, each group had
come up with some sort of
identity which would highlight their
group and they had performed
dance and drama as performance
was the main source of getting
Ÿ The most favorite colors of many
people are black and white and
students had come up with various
performances like mimicry,
dance and singing.
Ÿ Being Indians, we should be proud
to celebrate ethnic day and so were
the Gardians. Students came in
traditional outfits and on this
day, a fashion show was
organized and all the students
had a ramp walk which had set the
stage on fire.
Ÿ Most interesting day was the
twins day and students came up
by dressing and matching all the
things similar including bag and
various other accessories.
Every day was festive and the whole
event a grand celebration which
was organized by students of
I.M.B.A Semester -4TH and
coordinated by Ass. Prof. Kanchan
Parmar & guided by Honorable Director
Dr. Vishal Soni Sir. All the faculty
members had supported the whole
M.B.A & I-M.B.A Day
The Gardi Times MARCH 2017
um. M. H. Gardi School of Management a prominent
educational institute of Saurashtra region known for
its out of box activities and excelling the students by
doing various team building and goal setting activities. The
institute always believes in learning by doing attitude and
accordingly motivating the students to take part in various
In the beginning of the year 2017, 15th, 16th and 17th of
February were the remarkable days for the students of the
institute. As these days were celebrated as "Hunnar - 2017" - a
three days sport fest at the campus. The participation of the
students as well as faculty coordinators was remarkable.
There were 9 modern and traditional games organized like
cricket, volley ball, kho-kho, rumal khech, nargol, tag of war,
surprise game, musical chair and three leg run.
The first day big games like cricket and volley ball took place
for qualifying round. On second day qualifying round of other
games like kho-kho. Rumal khech, tag of war and nargol took
place. On the final day finals of all the games plus one
surprise game, musical chair and three leg run was there.
During these three energetic days students were came
together with real sporting spirit. Almost all the students
participated in two to three games that push the total number
of participation to more than 450.
It was the brilliant show put on by the competitors to win each
game. They applied all possible forces they can. All and all
this sport fest resulted in to brilliant show of team efforts,
planning and strategy making plus mind and muscle power.
Passion to play and win and participate to compete was the
striking character of this event. After each game there were
individuals as well as teams who won the battle but all were
enjoyed a lot during these three days.
The "Hunnar - 2017" was planned nicely by the students of
management along with sports coordinator Asst. Prof. Samir
Dholakiya. All the faculty members Asst. Prof. Viral Raval,
Asst. Prof. Ashita Mansuriya, Asst. Prof. Kanchan Parmar,
Asst. Prof. Arti Bhatti and Asst. Prof. Ankita Dhamecha
managed individual games very effectively.
Hon. Prashant Maheta sir, CEO- Gardi Vidyapith and Dr.
Vishal Soni sir, Director KMHGSM appreciated the efforts of
students and faculty members and congratulated them.
Hunnar - 2017, A Three Days
Sport Fest
The Gardi TimesMARCH 2017
23rd January, 2017 to 27th January, 2017
To develop the cognitive learning approach for the
faculties and student for their quality improvement of
he department of civil engineering had been always
enchanted with the mantra of
updation of education quality
delivered by the faculty to the student.
Prof. Vimal Patel always motivated and
support the faculties to train through
the workshop and Practical's session.
The faculty must be upgraded with the
improvement of technology by
interaction with the industrialist
through expert talk, conducting big
day's activity, Nptel Video sessions and Laboratory workshop
during subject planning based on the demand of current
engineer's skills.
Ms. Natasha Sagar had attended the workshop on the
"Recent advances in Waste Management" organized by
SVNIT, Surat under the TEQIP-II (Technical Education
Quality Improvement Programme). The workshop based on
the Environmental consultancy levels, Environmental
Protection act, Global and National Issues, ZLT and ZWD
concepts, water resources management case studies, E-
waste, Bio-waste & hazardous Waste Management. Based on
which the theories had been Discussed by the faculty during
classroom activities, practical's session. The student found
such discussion sessions more interesting. The activity had
been designed with prompt and active participation of 6th
civil student's which will be reflected
at EPICS projects and by6th civil
students at campus.
Ÿ The student join to activity session
Ÿ The student will develop the idea of
level of work in Environmental
Engineering and water resources,
Ÿ Up gradation in delivery content of the faculty,
Ÿ Develop the new interaction plat form for the students
and faculty.
Ÿ Based on which the visit had been planned to Asia's
Largest Water Treatment plant for Pre-final Year student.
Faculty Training @ SVNIT,
Glances of the workshop attained
"A Teacher must be full
time, Full Life and
Fantastic Learner."
The Gardi TimesMARCH 2017
The Gardi Times MARCH 2017
8th March 2017
an Oscar
Be a Girl with
Mind, Woman with
Attitude and a
Lady with Class
The Gardi Times MARCH 2017
AIM: To provide the basics of the development of the scheme
and provide dwelling to the helpless.
Ÿ Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna (PMAY) is a mission started
with an aim 'Housing for All' (HFA) scheme by NDA
Government to be achieved by the year 2022, that is when
India will be completing its 75 years of Independence. The
mission started in 2015 and will be
attained in seven years i.e., during
2015 - 2022.
Ÿ This Housing for All (HFA) scheme
is envisioned by our Honorable Prime
Mister Mr. Narendra Modi. "By the
time the Nation completes 75 years
of its Independence, Pradhan
Mantri Awas Yojna will bring a
'Pucca house' for every family in
urban cities with water connection,
toilet facilities, 24x7 electricity
supply and complete access." As
addressed by our Prime Minister in the joint session of
parliament on 9th June, 2014.
Ÿ Based on the vision of our honorable prime minister the
head of the department Prof. Vimal Patel decided
students to give the glimpses of the work carried out under it
at Rajkot city and role of RMC in it. The housing contract at
Jivraj Park is under the contractor Deepak Jadav, who
provides ample opportunity for training to the most of
e n g i n e e r i n g
college student.
Ÿ The visit was
taken on 12/1/2017
under the mentor
ship of the Prof.
Jagdish Bhalsod,
P r o f . R a h u l
P a r m a r a n d
Prof. Natasha
Ÿ T h e t w o
trainee of our
department Mr.
Keval Chikhaliya
& M r . H i r e n
Hapaliya guided
their junior on the
Ÿ The knowledge
gained at the site
were of study of
p l a n s ,
implementation of
plan, footing of the
site, execution of
concrete mixer and pumping of concrete to various footing,
formwork of the footing, erection of the formwork.
To view the,
Ÿ Well researched layout designs and prepared building
plans appropriate for various geo-
climatic zones.
Ÿ Taking up modern, innovative eco-
friendly technologies.
Ÿ Green buildings concepts using
natural resources.
Ÿ Earthquake and other disaster
resistant technologies. Simple
concept of designs should be
adopted to ensure adequate
sunlight and air ventilation.
Ÿ The student prepared the reports
and submitted to the faculty co-coordinator and enjoyed
the session learning the plans, demonstration of erection
work, positive approach of site and executive engineers
along with the essence of contractor of Jadav sir. Prof.
Rahul Parmar, Prof. Jagdish Bhalsod & Prof. Natasha
Sagar play a vital role in guiding the principles of
foundation to the student's.
Industrial Visit to "Pradhan
Mantri AWAS Yojana"
"House, food and pure
drinking water is the basic
requirement of any person,
the nation developing must
struggle to provide this
facilities to the people for the
growth of GDP of a nation."
The Gardi TimesMARCH 2017
he faculty of civil
d e p a r t m e n t P r o f .
Natasha Sagar who is
actively involved in working out
the EPICs project of waste
water treatment plant and
campus and Environmental
E n g i n e e ri n g L a b o r at o r y
development for consultancy,
identified the TWO DAYS
W O R K S H O P o n
" S U S T A I N A B L E
at Darshan Institute Of Engineering & Technology.
The workshop focused on interaction with Gujarat Pollution
Control Board dignitaries and consultants. IT focuses on the
development of new technologies for air and noise pollution
control. The head of marine research at ESSAR gave the nice
talk on Marine Air Pollution. The visit was there at
Environmental consultancy laboratories, solar plant at
Darshan institute.
The workshop had been
attended by the student of 6th
civil along with the two
Ÿ Prof. Jay Vekariya,
Ÿ Prof. Natasha Sagar,
Ÿ Shah Nirali (6th civil),
Ÿ Makwana Krupadevi (6th
Ÿ Mehta Devangi (6th Civil)
Ÿ Students were able to develop the idea of current
Ÿ Faculty came to know the availability of the instrument's
and its utilization for the betterment of laboratory.
Ÿ The Faculties developed the idea of the level of
consultancy required.
Workshop attained on "Sustainable
Technologies in Air and Noise Pollution"
"A faculty is incomplete without the student and the
student cannot be nurtured without the appropriate
Prof. Vimal Patel (Head, Civil Department) believes in
harmonies relation between the faculties and student to
explore the technological world.
Under the leadership of the Head and the synchronized
Environment, the faculty Prof. Natasha Sagar and the
student of (8th Civil) Vrundan Ghodhsara mark up the
stone in Glory B. H. Gardi College of Engineering &
Technology, drafted their ideas of "Rajkot Smart City". The
drafted idea had been presented by the Jinita Pandya
(student of 6th Civil).
The student presented the ideas after immense
brainstormed, crushed-fines, seeved by continuous internet
surfing, the transport and the town planning scheme study,
surfing books, sustainability of water treatment and the detail
study of schemes implemented by RMC at (RMC Websites)
by Vrundan Ghodhsara and Prof. Natasha Sagar.
After the endless effort the report had been decorated in
professional language by Prof. Natasha Sagar. At the end of
the journey the presentation at RMC by Jinita Pandya in lucid
manner on 30th January, 2017 they triumph the
competition from the Techno-expert worlds.
- Vrundan Ghodhsara (8th Civil), Jinita Pandya (6th Civil)
Student and Faculty Achievement
"Submitting their endless effort in term of report at RMC"
The Gardi Times MARCH 2017
lipping the classroom, or 'inverted teaching' is a
response to the idea that class time can be used to
engage students in learning through active learning,
rather than through delivering lectures alone. Flipping the
classroom is the process of replacing traditional lectures with
more student-centered learning strategies. Content delivery
is moved outside of the classroom, for example, through
videos, or pre-class readings.
Such an activity was organized with the students of semester
6 in Electronics & Communication Department of B. H.
Gardi College of Engineering & Technology. The topic was
Sampling and Aliasing in Digital Communication.
The students were provided topic related videos, hand
written notes and information from different reference
ngineering is not merely
k n o w i n g a n d b e i n g
educated; engineering is
not merely analysis; designing is
not just the ownership of the ability
to get exquisite answers for
non?existent designing issues;
engineering is practicing the art of
t h e o r g a n i z e d f o r c i n g o f
technological change.
Stu d ents of Ele ctronics &
Communication department have
participated in the various
technical events in a National
Level Technical Event at Maharaja
Sayajirao University, Baroda. The
motive behind the participation in
this event was to develop various
skills of students in different
activities and to expose them to the
current trends in the technical and
professional fields. They were
benefited by the Kaleidoscope, an
expert talk by Mark Edward, a
professional mentalist. Reviews
from students said that this event
has highly motivated them and
they also enjoyed to participate in
all Technical events.
books. To help ensure student preparation for class, students
were expected to complete their out class assignment which
was about the proof of sampling theorem including the
mathematical functions. Class time was then spent on
activities that encouraged students to process and apply their
knowledge of sampling theorem. They were given few
examples to solve with necessary hints from the instructor.
Students were allowed to discuss in the group as well as with
the instructor.
After the completion of the activity, students were familiar
with the fundamental concept of Digital communication.
They were able to understand the importance and rationale
of sampling in communication, and implement and analyze
mathematical steps related with the proof of the theorem.
Flip Class Activity for
(Sampling and Aliasing)
Energetic Participation in
Students applying their knowledge to solve the examples
Discussion in group to solve the queries
Participants of DFA 2.0,
a Roborace Competition
Students with Mark Edward, a Mentalist
Participants of Monochrome, a line follower
Robotics competition.
Editor : Dr. Siddharth Jadeja
Co-ordinator : Hiral Ganatra
For any suggestion or queries, mail @ [email protected]
Electronics & Communication
Antenna & Wave Propagation (6th Sem)
2-Days Workshop (Long-Hour Sessions)
Antenna Design using HFSS (High-
Frequency Structure Simulator)
Introduce 6th EC Students to HFSS to design
and analyze various antenna structures with different feed
Students of 6th EC, Prof Manish Patel
Level of Bloom's taxonomy involved:
10th & 11th February 2017 (12 hours)
Mr. Shivrajsinh Rayjada (pursuing ME, trainee
@ SAC, ISRO, A'bad)
Prof Manish Patel
(Subject Teacher), HoD (EC Dept.)
UG Computer Lab (EC), 1st floor, A Block
The learners were able to
Ÿ Self-learn the installation of the HFSS software in their
Ÿ Learn basics of HFSS software regarding how to
operate/use the same to design and analyze basic
Ÿ Design Microstrip Patch antenna with COAX feed and
analyze various parameters.
Ÿ Design Microstrip Patch antenna with Microstrip feed
and analyze various parameters.
Ÿ To plot various types of graphs/charts based on various
design parameters for different types of antenna.
To design half-wave dipole antenna at
different microwave frequencies & plot 2-D/3-D radiation
pattern & measure various antenna parameters.
Workshop on Antenna Design
using HFSS
Theoretical doubt solving by Prof Manish Patel
Expert guiding the students individually
Vote of thanks to the expert, Mr Shivrajsinh
The Gardi TimesMARCH 2017
Post-workshop work - Half wave dipole @ 13 GHz
developed by Henal & Unnati
The Gardi Times MARCH 2017
The Gardi Times (Monthly) Editor & Owner : D. V. Mehta, Publisher & Printer : Dimple Mehta,
Place of Publication : "The Gardi Times" Karyalay, Opp. Cosmoplex Cinema, Mota Mauva, Kalawad Road, Rajkot-360 005. (Gujarat),
Printed At : "Genius Printery" Opp. Cosmoplex Cinema, Mota Mauva, Kalawad Road, Dist. Rajkot-360 005. (Gujarat) M. 98245 72572
ajkot Municipal Corporation
and the city police jointly
organized the full marathon
on February 5, 2017. The event was
for c l e a n l i ness a n d traff i c
awareness drives in Rajkot.
Students of Gardividyapith had
taken active participation for
cheering up all the runners and
spreading awareness about saving
water and saving real heroes during
Marathon-2017 by organizing
special dome and preparing
impactful posters and models and
energetic performances.
Runners and RMC were really
happy from all performance and
energetic messages and awareness
spread by students and faculties.
Whole event was co-ordinated by
A s s t.P ro f. S am i r D h o lki y a ,
Asst.Prof. Viral Raval and Asst.Prof.
Kanchan Parmar of MHGCET and
Prof. Hiral Ganatra and Prof. Nirav
Mehta of BHGCET; and they
e n c o u r a g e d s t u d e n t s w i t h
motivation and vigor.
Trustee Mr. D.V. Mehta Sir and Mr.
Jay Mehta Sir had congratulated the
entire team for the wonderful and
enthusiastic participation and