CHAPTER 355-9-1
355-9-1-.01 Creation Of Office Of Indigent Defense
Services ("OIDS")
355-9-1-.02 Director Of OIDS
355-9-1-.03 Availability Of Records In The Custody
And Control Of OIDS
355-9-1-.04 Time Limit For Submission Of Attorney Fee
Declarations To OIDS
355-9-1-.05 Dispute Resolution Process Regarding
Attorney Fee Declarations
355-9-1-.06 Billing Standards
355-9-1-.07 Employment Of Experts, Court Reporters,
And Investigators
355-9-1-.08 ndigent Defense Advisory Boards; Required
Attorney Qualifications
355-9-1-.09 Recoupment Of Attorney Fees
355-9-1-.10 Caseload Management Standards
355-9-1-.11 Minimum Qualifications And Requirements
For A Public Defender
355-9-1-.12 Standards For Establishing Contract
Counsel System
355-9-1-.01 Creation Of Office Of Indigent Defense Services
The Office of Indigent Defense Services (known hereinafter as
"OIDS") was created as a division of the Alabama Department of
Finance by the legislature by Act 2011-678 ("the Act"). The
purpose of OIDS is to administer the system of defense for
criminal defendants or juveniles found by a court to be unable to
pay for legal representation in a trial or appellate proceeding.
Author: C. Roberts
Statutory Authority: Code of Ala. 1975, §41-4-322(h)
History: New Rule: Filed November 18, 2015; effective December
23, 2015; operative January 4, 2016.
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355-9-1-.02 Director Of OIDS.
OIDS shall have a director ("the Director"), chosen by the
Director of Finance as set out in §41-4-322(b) of the Code of
Alabama, as amended. The Director shall be responsible to develop
standards governing the provision of legal representation to
indigents. The standards are set out in §41-4-322(c), as amended.
The method or methods for delivering indigent defense services
shall be determined as provided in §41-4-322(d), as amended.
Author: C. Roberts
Statutory Authority: Code of Ala. 1975, §41-4-322(h).
History: New Rule: Filed November 18, 2015; effective December
23, 2015; operative January 4, 2016.
355-9-1-.03 Availability Of Records In The Custody And Control
Requests for the inspection and copying of records maintained in
the custody and control of OIDS may be made in person or by mail,
addressed to the Director at 100 North Union Street, Suite 680,
Montgomery, Alabama 36104. All rules promulgated by OIDS, as well
as all final orders, decisions, and opinions issued, if any, shall
be made available for public inspection and copying, at cost, at
the address set out above. Documents posted on the OIDS website
and available for download, may be downloaded and printed at no
cost by the public.
Author: C. Roberts
Statutory Authority: Code of Ala. 1975, §41-4-322(h).
History: New Rule: Filed November 18, 2015; effective December
23, 2015; operative January 4, 2016.
355-9-1-.04 Time Limit For Submission Of Attorney Fee
Declarations To OIDS.
In accordance with §15-12-2l(e) of the Code of Alabama, appointed
counsel shall submit a bill for services rendered no more than 90
days after the conclusion of the trial or ruling on a motion for a
new trial or after acquittal or other judgment disposing of the
case. The 90 day statutory period shall begin to run at the later
of the following - (1) acquittal of the defendant or (2) at
sentencing of the defendant or subsequent order of the Court that
disposes of any remaining issues not addressed at sentencing, i.e.
probation, restitution, etc. or (3) the trial court's ruling on
any postjudgment motion filed by either the prosecution or the
defendant which ruling starts the time for filing a notice of
appeal under Alabama law or rules of court or (4) the
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trial court's granting of a motion to withdraw or order removing
counsel from representation in the matter.
(a) Attorneys appointed to represent defendants in capital
murder cases may submit fee declarations on a semi-annual
basis for interim payment of work performed and expenses
incurred during the semi-annual period. An attorney seeking
interim payment must include a written notice with the fee
declaration informing OIDS of the semi-annual billing and
upload a copy of each prior interim billing submitted for that
(b) In juvenile cases, the disposition date for the case shall
be date of the judge's final order of adjudication or the date
of the final disposition hearing or the date of the judge's
order disposing of all post-trial motions or hearings,
whichever date is the latest.
(c) Fee declarations for dependency cases must be submitted to
OIDS within 90 days of the judge’s final order of adjudication
of dependency. OIDS will accept fee declarations for post-
adjudication proceedings such as review hearings or permanency
determinations annually.
(d) Fee declarations must be submitted within 90 days of the
date a judge grants a timely filed motion to withdraw from a
(e) Appointed counsel may submit a fee declaration before
final disposition on any case that is assigned to a court's
administrative docket or 60 days following a defendant's
"Failure to Appear" or if bound over to the Grand Jury without
action after one year. The fee declaration must be submitted
to OIDS prior to the case being placed on an active docket to
receive payment before final disposition. The 90 day
requirement does not apply where there has been no final
(f) The failure of appointed counsel to submit a fee
declaration within the 90-day period, as set out above, shall
result in the denial of payment by OIDS. An attorney adversely
affected by OIDS action with respect to the 90-day period may
seek relief, as set out in 355-9-1-.05.
Author: C. Roberts
Statutory Authority: Code of Ala. 1975, §41-4-322(h).
History: New Rule: Filed November 18, 2015; effective December
23, 2015; operative January 4, 2016.
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355-9-1-.05 Dispute Resolution Process Regarding Attorney Fee
Any dispute regarding the compensation due to be paid to an
appointed attorney shall first be submitted in writing as a
request for reconsideration by the attorney to the Director.
Should the Director's decision with respect to the request for
reconsideration be adverse to the appointed attorney, the
appointed attorney may seek relief for the amount of compensation
by filing a claim with the State Board of Adjustment in accordance
with its statutes and rules, as found at Code of Ala. 1975,
§41-9-60 et seq. and at, respectively.
Author: C. Roberts
Statutory Authority: Code of Ala. 1975, §41-4-322(h).
History: New Rule: Filed November 18, 2015; effective December
23, 2015; operative January 4, 2016.
355-9-1-.06 Billing Standards.
(a) Time recorded on a fee itemization submitted with a fee
declaration form shall be in increments of 0.10 hours (six
minutes), as follows:
1 to 6 minutes - 0.1 hours
7 to 12 minutes - 0.2 hours
13 to18 minutes - 0.3 hours
19 to 24 minutes - 0.4 hours
25 to 30 minutes - 0.5 hours
31 to 36 minutes - 0.6 hours
37 to 42 minutes - 0.7 hours
43 to 48 minutes - 0.8 hours
49 to 54 minutes - 0.9 hours
55 to 60 minutes - 1.0 hours
(b) Opening, closing, and final billing of a case file will be
paid a maximum of 0.5 hours in total. Should the total time for
the aforementioned activities exceed 0.5 hours due to
circumstances beyond the control of the attorney or for other
reason, the attorney may petition the director to approve payment
of time in excess of 0.5 hours.
(c) Time spent by qualified law clerk or paralegal working at the
direction of appointed counsel must be billed at the paralegal
rate of $20.00 per hour.
(d) An Attorney other than appointed com1sel may bill at the
statutory rate on the indigent matter provided that; (1) the
attorney is working at the direction of appointed counsel; (2) the
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attorney's assistance was required by circumstances beyond the
control of appointed counsel and (3) the name of the attorney must
be noted on the fee declaration.
(e) In juvenile and youthful offender cases, names or any
personally identifiable information of the child or parties to the
matter must be redacted. Fee declarations containing this
information, including uploaded supporting documents, will be
denied and appointed counsel must re-file for payment.
(f) Non-overhead expenses in excess of $300.00 must be approved by
court order in advance of being incurred. To be reimbursed,
appointed counsel must submit a fee declaration supported by copy
of court order, invoices and receipts. Non-overhead expenses may
be billed on an interim basis. All reimbursement will be in
accordance with Alabama Law and The State of Alabama Fiscal Policy
and Procedure.
Author: C. Roberts
Statutory Authority: Code of Ala. 1975, §41-4-322(h)
History: New Rule: Filed November 18, 2015; effective December
23, 2015; operative January 4, 2016.
355-9-1-.07 Employment Of Experts, Court Reporters, And
All requests for experts, court reporters, and investigators
(known collectively herein as "providers" or individually as
"provider") must be approved in advance by an order from the trial
judge before they perform any work or services. The date at which
the provider(s) can begin to perform work or services to be paid
by the State of Alabama is the date on which the trial judge signs
the order granting the request. In order to effect payment for
work and services performed by provider(s), the following
procedure must be followed:
(a) The appointed attorney must have filed a motion requesting
the services of a provider and the trial judge must have
issued an order approving each request.
(b) The appointed attorney must complete a certification that
the work or service submitted for payment has been performed
and completed.
(c) Each provider must file a Professional Services Fee
Declaration (Form PFD-1) with a copy of the court order, the
attorney certification, and an itemized invoice attached
thereto. If the court's order is not specific as to the nature
of the services to be performed or as to payment terms for the
provider, the provider must attach a copy of the attorney's
motion requesting the services.
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(d) Fees to providers may be paid on an interim basis.
(e) Payment of expenses related to the employment of Experts,
Investigators and Court Reporters will be in accordance with
Alabama Law and the State of Alabama Fiscal Policy and
Procedure Manual.
(f) Note regarding court reporters -in-court appearance fee
for a court reporter is not payable from the Fair Trial Tax
fund and should not be submitted to OIDS for payment. Court
reporters are paid in accordance with Alabama Rules of
Judicial Administration (ARJA) Rule 29(B) and the court
reporter must file a Court Reporter Fee Declaration (Form
Author: C. Roberts
Statutory Authority: Code of Ala. 1975, §41-4-322(h).
History: New Rule: Filed November 18, 2015; effective December
23, 2015; operative January 4, 2016.
355-9-1-.08 ndigent Defense Advisory Boards; Required Attorney
(1) Act 2011-678 established an Indigent Defense Advisory Board
("the Board") in each judicial circuit. Under the Act, the Board
is directed to, among other things, determine the method of
delivering indigent defense services to be used in its respective
circuit, which methods of delivery may include, but are not
limited to, the use of appointed counsel, contract counsel, or
public defenders or a combination of any of these. In choosing the
method of delivery of indigent defense services for a judicial
circuit, the Board "shall select the most efficient and effective
counsel system available in each county or circuit, or parts of
the county or circuit." (See Code of Ala. 1975, §41-4-322(d).) In
order to provide the most efficient and effective indigent defense
services, either by the appointment of counsel by a judge or the
selection of counsel under contract by the Board, the following
qualifications are mandatory:
(a) Each attorney appointed or selected to provide indigent
defense representation must -
1. Be a member in good standing with the Alabama State
Bar, and
2. Must complete a minimum of six (6) hours per year of
continuing legal education credits, approved by the
Alabama State Bar, in criminal law beginning after the
attorney is appointed or selected.
(b) Capital Murder - to act as Lead Counsel in a capital case,
the attorney, whether appointed or public defender, must, in
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addition to the mandatory qualifications in (a) above, possess
the following minimum qualifications:
1. Must have at least five (5) years of criminal
litigation experience.
2. Must be familiar with the Alabama Rules of
Professional Conduct, must be familiar with current
criminal practice and procedure in Alabama, must be
familiar with capital jurisprudence established by the
U.S. Supreme Court and the Supreme Court of Alabama;
3. Must have litigated a capital case to verdict, hung
jury, or plea as associate counsel, or have litigated
four (4) homicide cases to verdict, hung jury, or plea;
4. Must have substantial familiarity with, and experience
in the use of, expert witnesses and scientific and
medical evidence in litigation;
5. Must complete at least ten (10) hours of capital
defense related continuing legal education every two (2)
(c) Capital Murder - To act as Associate Counsel in a capital
case, the attorney, whether appointed or public defender, must
in addition to the mandatory qualifications in (a) above,
possess the following minimum qualifications:
1. Must have at least three (3) years of criminal
litigation experience;
2. Must be familiar with the Alabama Rules of
Professional Conduct, must be familiar with current
criminal practice and procedure in Alabama, must be
familiar with capital jurisprudence established by the
U.S. Supreme Court and the Supreme Court of Alabama;
3. Must have participated as trial counsel in at least
four (4) jury trials to verdict or hung jury;
4. Must have substantial familiarity with, and experience
in the use of, scientific and medical evidence in
5. Must complete a capital murder seminar every two (2)
(d) Class A Felonies - To act as defense attorney in a Class A
felony case, whether appointed, contract counsel, or public
defender, an attorney must meet the qualifications as
determined by the person or entity responsible to appoint or
select the attorney. In addition to the mandatory
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qualifications in (a), above, any appointment or selection
should take into account the following factors:
1. The amount of criminal litigation experience possessed
by the attorney;
2. The degree of familiarity with the Rules of
Professional Conduct and the current criminal practice
and procedure in Alabama; and
3. Whether the attorney has sufficient criminal trial
experience in light of the seriousness of criminal
charges constituting Class A felonies in Alabama.
(e) Class B Felonies - To act as defense attorney in a Class B
felony case, whether appointed, contract counsel, or public
defender; an attorney must meet the qualifications as
determined by the person or entity responsible to appoint or
select the attorney. In addition to the mandatory
qualifications in (a), above, any appointment or selection
should take into account the following factors:
1. The amount of criminal litigation experience possessed
by the attorney;
2. The degree of familiarity with the Rules of
Professional Conduct and the current criminal practice
and procedure in Alabama; and
3. Whether the attorney has sufficient criminal trial
experience in light of the seriousness of criminal
charges constituting Class B felonies in Alabama.
(f) Class C Felonies - To act as defense attorney in a Class C
felony case, whether appointed, contract counsel, or public
defender, an attorney must meet the qualifications as
determined by the person or entity responsible to appoint or
select the attorney. In addition to the mandatory
qualifications in (a), above, any appointment or selection
should take into account the following factors:
1. The amount of criminal litigation expe1ience possessed
by the attorney;
2. The degree of familiarity with the Rules of
Professional Conduct and the current c1iminal practice
and procedure in Alabama; and
3. Whether the attorney has sufficient criminal trial
experience in light of the seriousness of criminal
charges constituting Class C felonies in Alabama.
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(g) Juvenile Cases - To act as defense attorney in a Juvenile
case, whether appointed, contract counsel, or public defender,
an attorney must meet the qualifications as determined by the
person or entity responsible to appoint or select the
attorney. In addition to the mandatory qualifications in (a),
above, any appointment or selection should take into account
the following factors:
1. The amount of juvenile litigation experience possessed
by the attorney;
2. The degree of familiarity with the Rules of
Professional Conduct and the current criminal and
juvenile practice and procedure in Alabama possessed by
the attorney;
3. Whether the attorney has exhibited proficiency and
commitment to providing quality representation to
juvenile offenders; and
4. Whether the attorney has completed a minimum of three
(3) hours per year of continuing legal education credits,
approved by the Alabama State Bar, in juvenile law or
(h) Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) - To act as GAL, an attorney must
meet the qualifications as determined by the person or entity
responsible to appoint or select the attorney. In addition to
the mandatory qualifications in (a), above, any appointment or
selection should take into account the following factors:
1. The degree of familiarity with the Rules of
Professional Conduct and the current criminal and
juvenile practice and procedure in Alabama possessed by
the attorney;
2. Whether the attorney has completed a minimum of three
(3) hours of continuing legal education credits approved
by the Alabama State Bar and specifically related to GAL
practice; and
3. Whether the attorney has completed GAL training and
certification required by the Alabama Administrative
Office of Courts (AOC). Said certification must be
maintained on a continuous basis as reported by AOC.
(i) Misdemeanors and Traffic - To act as defense attorney in a
misdemeanor or traffic case, whether appointed, contract
counsel, or public defender, an attorney must meet the
qualifications as determined by the person or entity
responsible to appoint or select the attorney. In addition to
the mandatory qualifications in (a), above, any appointment or
selection should take into account the following factors:
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1. The degree of familiarity with the Rules of
Professional Conduct and the current criminal practice
and procedure in Alabama; and
2. Whether the attorney has exhibited professionalism,
proficiency, and commitment to providing quality
representation to offenders charged with misdemeanors and
traffic offenses.
(j) Appeals - To act as defense attorneys in an appeal whether
appointed, contract counsel, or public defender, an attorney
must meet the qualifications as determined by the person or
entity responsible to appoint or select the attorney. In
addition to the mandatory qualifications in (a), above, any
appointment or selection should take into account the
following factors:
1. The amount of appellate experience possessed by the
attorney; and
2. The degree of familiarity with the Rules of Appellate
Procedure, Rules of Professional Conduct and the current
criminal practice and procedure in Alabama.
Author: C. Roberts
Statutory Authority: Code of Ala. 1975, §41-4-322(h)
History: New Rule: Filed November 18, 2015; effective December
23, 2015; operative January 4, 2016.
355-9-1-.09 Recoupment Of Attorney Fees.
If the court determines that the defendant is, or will be, able to
reimburse the State of Alabama for the full or partial cost of
legal services provided, the court may order payment of said cost,
or a portion thereof, to the circuit clerk's office. The amount to
be paid by defendant shall be the actual amount ordered by the
court or, if no amount is stated in the court's order, the
following amount:
Class A Felony $1,000.00
Class B. Felony $ 750.00
Class C Felony $ 500.00
Juvenile $ 500.00
Misdemeanor/Probation revocation $ 250.00
Author: C. Roberts
Statutory Authority: Code of Ala. 1975, §41-4-322(h)
History: New Rule: Filed November 18, 2015; effective December
23, 2015; operative January 4, 2016.
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355-9-1-.10 Caseload Management Standards.
It is the policy of OIDS, in accordance with the Act, that the
caseload of counsel providing legal services to indigent
defendants should allow each lawyer to give each client the time
and attention necessary to ensure effective representation. In
order to assure that caseloads are managed adequately so that the
quality of legal representation for indigent criminal defendants
is not compromised, the following caseload standards are adopted
for those attorneys representing indigent criminal defendants, and
should not be exceeded:
(a) Two hundred (200) felony cases per attorney per year; OR
(b) Four hundred (400) misdemeanor and traffic offense cases
per attorney per year; OR
(c) Two hundred (200) juvenile offender cases per attorney per
year; OR
(d) One hundred (100) open juvenile dependency cases per
attorney per year; OR
(e) One hundred (100) GAL cases per attorney per year; OR
(f) Thirty-six (36) appeals to an appellate court considering
a case on a record and on briefs per attorney per year.
It is expected that an attorney will handle cases in more than one
of the types set out in (a) through (f), above. However, in any
year, an attorney should not accept a caseload of any combination
of the types set out above that, due to the volume of cases,
compromises the ability of the attorney to render quality
Author: C. Roberts
Statutory Authority: Code of Ala. 1975, §41-4-322(h).
History: Authority: Code of Ala. 1975, §41-4-322(h). History:
New Rule: Filed November 18, 2015; effective December 23, 2015;
operative January 4, 2016.
355-9-1-.11 Minimum Qualifications And Requirements For A
Public Defender.
Should a Board determine that the method for delivering indigent
defense services in its county or circuit is by the establishment
of a Public Defender's office and the selection and appointment of
a Public Defender, it shall do so in accordance with the Act. The
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minimum qualifications and requirements for the position of Public
Defender shall be:
(a) The individual sought to be appointed must be a member in
good standing with the Alabama State Bar and any other bar
association of which the individual is a member;
(b) The individual sought to be appointed must have a minimum
of eight (8) years of criminal practice experience, preferably
with criminal trial experience;
(c) The individual sought to be appointed must have the
ability to effectively administer the Public Defender's
(d) The individual sought to be appointed may not practice
before a judge in the same county or judicial circuit within
the 4th degree of consanguinity (first cousin), inclusive;
(e) The individual sought to be appointed must become a
resident of the county or circuit in which he or she will
serve as Public Defender within 90 days of taking office.
Author: C. Roberts
Statutory Authority: Code of Ala. 1975, §41-4-322(h)
History: New Rule: Filed November 18, 2015; effective December
23, 2015; operative January 4, 2016.
355-9-1-.12 Standards For Establishing Contract Counsel
Should a board determine that the method for delivering indigent
defense services in its county or circuit is by the establishment
of a Contract Counsel System, it shall do so in accordance with
the Act and consistent with these rules. The selection process
shall be determined by the Board consistent with the
qualifications enumerated in the Act and these rules. All
Contracts are to be negotiated and attorneys selected by the
Board, subject to the approval of the Presiding Circuit Judge and
the Director.
Author: C. Roberts
Statutory Authority: Code of Ala. 1975, §41-4-322(h)
History: New Rule: Filed November 18, 2015; effective December
23, 2015; operative January 4, 2016.
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